Beach House has always had a special talent in staying fresh and innovative while still sounding incredibly like themselves. This single, Lemon Glow, released on Valentine’s Day, feels like an abstract love song that should be playing loudly in a dimly-lit city apartment. As if it were “glowing,” this track engulfs you in a warm blanket of sound from the get go. It’s thick and heavy, with layers upon layers (including Victoria Legrand’s vocals), seeming to be the theme of the newly released album in its entirety. All in all, I have stopped expecting anything from Beach House, because they seem to blow my expectations away every time.

Rating: 10/10

Beach House never seems to disappoint me in creating music to which I can listen to to blissfully drift into REM sleep. Unfortunately, With “Lemon Glow”, I feel that it was their truest effort towards creating a somewhat faster tempo-ed single and tried to turn their dream pop personality into a more psychedelic pop themed single. This was only really evident with the aid of their obvious “trippy” music video. I enjoyed the moderate tempo and steady beat; it still came through with subtle intensity which was nice. Maybe it was the reverse ASMR effect for me at the end of the song that skewed my interest. Giving it a couple more listens might change my view.

Rating: 5/10

Darkly whimsical. Perfect song for pensive meadow-frolicking after a rainy day!

Rating: 9.5/10

The year is 2018 Beach House now has a drum machine. “Lemon Glow” treads somewhere between pop and electronic, a catchy & breezy song from another good album of theirs (clocking in at about 148 BPM). The band is known for their consistent sound, and this track shows they have perfected their airy brand of sonic softness. I wish they would have experimented more with their 7th studio album- I think more abrasive instrumentation would be an innovative contrast.

Rating: 6.5/10

Group Consensus: 7.8/10